How Tweeting and Friending Can Benefit Doctor-Patient Communication

29 Apr

Should you Facebook friend your doctor? A recent Boston Globe article explores the answer to this question, largely as an ethical information-sharing issue. But patients friending doctors and vice versa is more than a moral dilemma—it’s a public relations one.

Seeing as how I’m a millennial and a big proponent of Twitter, WordPress, Facebook, instant messaging, or any other online information-sharing media, you may think I’d be in favor of unchecked doctor-patient friending. Well, you’d be wrong. I don’t want to see photos of my doctor’s Wednesday night bowling league any more than I want her to see my status updates about how much I’m dreading going to the doctor’s. Imagine posting a WebMD link about some affliction you’ve self-diagnosed yourself with only to have your physician comment to tell you to book an appointment? And what if your doctor writes a status about how much they dislike their job or organization. Some things are just better left unshared.

Sticking with the Facebook example, doctors who want to connect with patients on the 400 million-strong social networking site can do so in a more professional manner by creating a fan page or a separate professional page. This allows for some interaction without crossing any personal boundaries. Physicians can share health tips, any news about their practice or department, and field general health questions. This allows patients who want to feel more connected with their doctor to keep in touch without stumbling into a social gray area.
1 Comment

Posted by on April 29, 2010 in Uncategorized


One response to “How Tweeting and Friending Can Benefit Doctor-Patient Communication

  1. aktif iletişim

    May 4, 2010 at 8:59 am

    It looks like a piece of gel that slips into the sole of your sneaker, but it’s a new nano-based technology that can make computers and the Internet hundreds of times faster — a communications technology “enabler” that may be in use only five or ten years in the future, currently being created by Dr. Koby Scheuer of Tel Aviv University’s School of Electrical Engineering.


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